Sustainable Management of Water Resources by Automated Real-Time Monitoring
6th Framework Program, contract number: SUSTDEV-2003-3.II.3.3.a – 505329, project budget: EUR 3,475,818
Implementation timeframe: 06/2004 – 12/2007
Coordinator: British Geological Survey, UK
Project purposes: The goal of the project is to develop innovative technologies for management of water resources. The project developed a new method for monitoring and managing ground water resources taking account of climate changes, sea level changes, anthropogenic pollution and early warning against threats to the economy and ecosystems.
- Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- University of Almeria, Spain
- Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Industrial Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP), Poland
- ESCO Sp. z o.o., Poland
- Geotomographie, Germany
- Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech, Morocco