IBIS robots used by the State Fire Service
The robots designed by PIAP can be used for reconnaissance and prevention of CBRN incidents (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear). The first heavy robots used by the State Fire Service.

The Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP, as part of a consortium with Zeszuta Sp. z o. o., provided the State Fire Service (PSP) with IBIS robots and platform containers for CBRN materials. The equipment was delivered in April 2018. The advanced devices will support the State Fire Service teams in rescue operations to eliminate or reduce direct risks caused by substances hazardous to humans, animals, environment and property. The equipment will be used by the State Fire Service Special Chemical and Ecological Rescue Groups in Warsaw, Katowice and Poznań.
IBIS – more than a robot
IBIS is a high-speed robot moving at up to 10 km/h, and with a six-wheeled mobile platform and individual-wheel drive it can be used in any terrain. With a weight over 300 kg, its arm can lift up to 50 kg. The robot can also be fitted with a wide range of accessories for improved capabilities.
The State Fire Service purchased three IBIS robots, each fitted with CBRN accessories, radioactive material transport container, multi-purpose PIAP MULTISTRIKER device, mobile x-ray device and pick-up type vehicle.
CBRN accessories – laboratory essentials
The robots can be used for reconnaissance and prevention of CBRN incidents (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear). The firefighter can carry out hazardous tasks remotely without any danger to life and health.
The robot is fitted with the following CBRN accessories:
- ENVIRONMENTAL SWAB for obtaining materials for laboratory analysis by swabbing surfaces of objects for unidentified substances;
- SUBSTRATRE PROBE for taking samples of contaminated substrates (soil, sand, ice etc.) to prevent robot contamination;
- R-SENSOR (EKO-C) for detecting and measuring radiation; with a radiometer control and readout display on the accessory control panel;
- SPME ADSORBER for collecting chemical particles in air and liquids;
- MODULAR LIQUID SAMPLER for taking and storing liquid samples using different sampler tips;
- ACCESSORIES CONTROL PANEL – a military grade tablet device with a communication module for remote control of CBRN accessories and displaying readouts from the environmental sensors.
- GPS MODULE for showing sampling position on the accessories control panel.
IBIS with a set of CBRN accessories allows to:
- obtain materials for laboratory analysis by swabbing object surfaces for unidentified substances;
- sample substrates,
- detect and measure α, β, γ and x radiation,
- collect chemical particles from air and liquids for laboratory analysis,
- take and store liquid samples,
- show contamination readouts at the terrain map.
PIAP MULTISTRIKER – one device, multiple applications
A multi-purpose PIAP MULTISTRIKER device was part of the delivery to the State Fire Service. The device can be used for breaking windows and punching holes in various materials, breaking hinges or cutting rods, cables, padlocks and chains. The impact energy is released with a dedicated remote control. The device can be installed on the robot or can operate independently on a stand.
SAWO 2018 – presentation of the State Fire Service robots
IBIS robots purchased by the State Fire Service with dedicated CBRN accessories were presented to a public a the International Fair for Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment SAWO 2018 in Poznań.