PIAP as a Partner to the ‘Mazovian Innovator’ contest
PIAP has been selected as a Partner to the anniversary round of the ‘Mazovian Innovator’ contest for innovative solutions in business and research in the Mazovian Province, arranged for by the Mazovian Province Marshall.
You can run for the ‘Mazovian Innovator’ title for the 10th time in a row. The contest partnered one more time by the Industrial Institute for Automatics and Measurements (PIAP) is addressed to academic and business circles who have adopted an innovative approach to the economy.
Each company representing the SMEs, doing business in the Mazovian Province from not more than 10 years, which implemented an innovative solution within 5 recent years and uses it daily, may take part in the contest. Also, the target group includes any dynamic and creative member of academic / research staff residing in the Mazovian Province, up to the age of 39, who finished their doctor’s theses or graduated as doctors within the last three years.
This year’s round of the contest offers the following awards:
Category: ‘Young innovative company’
1st place: PLN 25,000
2nd place: PLN 15,000
3rd place: PLN 10,000
Category ‘Innovative young researcher’
1st place: PLN 15,000
2nd place: PLN 12,500
3rd place: PLN 10,000
PIAP offers winners participation in 3D printing workshops as part of the partnership..
Applications for admittance to the contest should be submitted on forms designed to relevant categories until April 27, 2018 – delivered in person or mailed to:
Departament Rozwoju Regionalnego i Funduszy Europejskich
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego w Warszawie
Wydział Regionalnego Systemu Innowacji
Al. Solidarności 61
03-402 Warszawa
with the following annotation: ‘Innowator Mazowsza’ (‘innovator of the Mazovian Province’), category ‘Młoda Innowacyjna Firma’ (‘Young innovative company’) or ‘Innowacyjny Młody Naukowiec’ (‘Innovative young research’).
The term ‘submission’ or ‘delivery’ means the date of physical delivery of the application with all required enclosures. The Secretariat is open until 4 PM.
- Policy
- Enclosure 1: Company – application form
- Enclosure 1.1: Level of company innovativeness – project description
- Enclosure 2: Researcher – application form
- Enclosure 2.1: Researcher
- Enclosure 3: Company – evaluation sheet
- Enclosure 4: Researcher – evaluation sheet